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Everlasting Continuum 
in The Frequency Of Light

In the now and the knowing we are here, in the planning and development we are here, we go beyond the wave forms and pattern of light that have been tricking in sideways through the laser beam structure and cavities in your being and sulcus’s in your brain. In the heat of the moment, we are here in your heart, in the kind knowing that we are here to help you decide and decipher the codes of belongingness and cascading out to the masses that we are here. You are in the means and the matrix of picking up our signals and embellishment of the fine tuning that is coming around your doorstep at this time.

We are steadfast and we are securing this connection with you now. Do you feel the noise and the ringing in your ears, it is a vibration. A sound effect that you are picking up on, my dear one. The vibrations are off the charts, and you have begun to sit in and settle now to the new roles placed before you now.

To lead or to be led Is the question. You are following your heart and are being guided to stand up and shine here in your hearts delight of the matters at hand that are the beginning stages of taking off and taking the plunge into the new desires in your heart onto the new platforms before you now.

The allies are all around you now. Bypassing the deep ended question of what is right at this time and what is the best route to go. You know my dear one that just taking that next step or leap forward is the way to go. It's the only way to make a sure change and impact for yourself and for others in your world in this lifetime now.

You can go in and try to decipher this and that but just go in and be yourself and shine right through to the other side of the camera lens and allow the light to shine through. Allow our true north strong connection to shine through. We are here and we are with you, and this is a joint effort.

Please do Not think you are in this alone. We are all in this together and the guiding and gilding forces before you now are allowing the love connection to ricochet off all the light beams and catapult across the Cosmas. They join in with the hind forth strength of a billion light bodies all joining in as one and combining and connecting our heart strings together.

This is the space and the place of our true connections to the light. To the collective and back to your heart once again. It goes in deep, and it will carry you through this endeavour from here and far and wide we are here. Taking the next leap of faith together. Surrender to the light and to the words that are coming forth now my dear one and you will discover what it is like to truly shine as your true self.

In the beginning of this calamity, you will make a few bounces and hiccups but that is what life is all about my dear one. The ups and the downs, like a Ferris wheel spinning around. It is a continuous pathway forward before you now. You must continue spinning around in this cyclical manor. This is where you will realize that it is all up to you to keep that forward momentum going.

Stretch out towards the horizon my dear one and you will feel the exceptional feeling and see the most incredible visions of light entangle before and between you all my dear ones. You will be catapulted out into the next new frontier of your evolutionary path and continue on your journey unwinding and untwining yourself and unleashing yourself from the constraints of all your emotional ties . You will begin to feel the leveling out of your emotions and thought patterns and will be connecting more as a whole being to the higher multi-dimensional being and pathways before you now.

For you are here in the cosmos living within the matrix of life and you have now met and come across the many open beings of light and you have now foraged friendships and relationships and bonds of light together within the heart strings and the matters at hand now my dear one.

So please go forth and shine and deliver up the next evolutionary expansion of light across the nations and Cosmos now. It is here and it is on time now and in delight and joy and light we go now amen. Please remember to speak kindly of yourself every day and join in with the brotherhood and man women and children now and as we forge together in this shift.

We will all bear witness to the great revolutionary shift in mankind and the everlasting continuum in the frequency of light in the quantum field of connectivity. And it is here we are here we will find the answer to our many questions in life and sink deeply into the notion of our heart connection of our great consciousness and it will deliver up the new beautiful light path before you now. And in heaven and in earth we go, and we all belong here on this passageway now. Amen.

Melissa is a Spiritual Channeller, Intuitive Healer, Coach, Mentor, Writer, Teacher, Psychic Medium/Channeler, Hypnotherapist and Essenian Assistant Healer. Melissa has trained as a Reiki Master, Registered Practical Nurse, and a Medical Office Assistant. She is a contributing writer for a Beautiful Life magazine and speaks on many topics on sharing the wisdom that we are all one and we are all connected within our heart-opening awareness.

Melissa also uses her intuition to help guide you to connect to your soul through guided meditation, channelling, and reiki energy healing, to help you gain clarity, peace and purpose so you can bring forth your best self, your true self, out into the world. She will also help you open up to discover your deep intuition and guidance system and you will learn what this inner compass is all about. She will help you to learn to trust what you are sensing and feeling as you learn to see, sense and feel what your soul is saying to you.

This work has helped many feel their true inner connection and rise up to their true calling! No one is alone on their journey and its Melissa’s passion to remind you that whether here or beyond, you have someone looking over you! For many years, Melissa sensed her angels and guides around her and know that inside this space is where the magic happens!


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