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Writing for Success - Success Journaling

I needed to develop my success muscle and learn how to be and feel successful.

We can have a vision, and chart a course for our life, but what happens when we are met with our own resistance to change? Even when it is a positive change, we can be blindsided by our own resistance. Fear and doubt can become stumbling blocks preventing us from taking the necessary steps to move forward.

There can be many obstacles to change, and myself as an obstacle was becoming very apparent.

After some journaling, I realized that I needed to develop and strengthen my aptitude for success. I needed to develop my success muscle and learn how to be and feel successful.

I was good at creating a vision. I am an ideas person, so this side of my creativity was well developed. My weakest muscle was the ability to move from vision through to successful manifestation. I didn’t feel programmed for success!

I realized I needed to create a Success Plan. I bought myself a journal which I entitled My Success Journal.

I first had to identify for me what success looked like, what it felt like, and I also had to make it organic to my life. Each day we can plan our day, but things don’t always go as planned. In building my success muscle, I took a snapshot of my life, where I listed all of the things I was dealing with. Laying it out on the page allowed me to take a realistic look at my life and my goals, and to plant seeds of success.

Daily journaling became a part of my routine so that I could capture my successes. It allowed me to reflect on my day and pull out even the smallest of successes. Some days I made major accomplishments, other days, the success was in my ability to stand up straight and not keel over with the weight of my life!

Let’s face it, life can be hard and challenging. Some days we are on top, some days we are sinking like a sunset within our spirit. Finding the success in each day, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem, adds to our success factor. We need to strengthen our experience of success in our mind, in our heart, and in our body. The experience of success is unique to each of us. It is very personal, very internal, and very necessary to honour and acknowledge the strides we are making.

Journaling is a very useful tool for our success as we record our progress. We are able to write and reflect on our transition through to successful transformation.

In writing my way to success, I incorporated the following:

• Being mindful that success can look different each day.

• Seeing how each small success fit into a bigger vision

• Bringing mindfulness into each day and into each reflection of each day

• Acknowledging the willingness to move forward, one choice, one step at a time.

So write on! Here’s to your success!


Linda Cooper

Photo: Kat Stokes

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