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There's a Purpose to Our Lives!

By: Rita Be-Still

We were born to fulfill our purpose in a way that no one else can.

We were born not to only re-awaken and remember who we are, but to also fulfill our purpose in a way that no one else can. We bring to life talents, gifts, and experiences like no other. Every experience is a key to our purpose. We are born with gifts as well as challenges. Every talent is a tool for our purpose, and every person in our life is a coach to assist us in discovering or re-defining our purpose. Purpose is the creative spirit of life moving through us from the inside out. It is the deep mysterious dimension of each Soul which carries with it a profound intuitive sense of personal identity.

However, this state of being does not just happen! It is through humility that our 1000 mile journey of self-discovery begins. Humility is the first step towards wisdom, which connects us to the inner peace, which connects us to our True Essence which is one of Love! Or we can refer to this state of being as the Christ Consciousness, meaning that, at this point in our evolution, we are connected to the I AM Presence~~our Higher Self which is One with God/the Nameless One! (Be aware that God has many names depending which branch of understanding one may follow)!

As we re-discover and connect to our Spark of Divinity, we will move towards this perfect state of being by supporting the purposes of life as they are presented to us.

Balance and integration however, make it possible for us to recognize the Light in others, making it possible to look beyond the behaviour. Know that for every unhealthy behaviour, there's a 'wounded' or emotionally 'stunted' child crying out for help. As Light-bearers, this is the ultimate purpose in our life; to bring understanding to all 'wounded' children of the world, making it possible for the 'blame-game' to stop! Please know that Light-bearers have been born globally to ensure that all individuals crying out for help will receive the understanding that, indeed, we are all love beings and worthy of all good things!

As we commit to honour our mission, the doors will open and the opportunities will present themselves.

And as we continue to work for the betterment of humankind, our mission will bring us to the highest knowledge of ourselves that is possible. It is in this state of awareness, we are grateful for the experiences that brought us to our knees~~ for humility is the first step towards wisdom. In this state of being, whereby the personality and Soul become One!

As we serve the purpose of our life, we build character.

Then, layer by layer, as our character grows, it gives evidence of the deep invisible potential stored within our being. Character is the summation of our personal history and experiences as it conforms to a central purpose that we could not have seen in the beginning. That purpose however is not visible until it is manifested through service! Purpose refines and directs our contribution to life! For it is not dis-ease that kills us, but the lack of purpose in our life!

Rita Be-Still, Healer of Broken Hearts

Be-Still~A Place of Higher Spiritual Learning

6 Queen St. W. Elmvale, On


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