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The Allure of Lilacs

Lilacs are known for their hardy nature and long lives—many lilac shrubs live to be more than 100 years old.

Symbolism of Lilacs

Lilac (light purple) symbolizes a first love. White lilacs symbolize purity and innocence. Violet lilacs symbolize spirituality. Blue lilacs symbolize happiness and tranquility. Magenta lilacs symbolize love and passion.

In the story of Pan, the god of forests and fields. It was said that Pan was in love with a nymph named Syringa. One day Pan when chasing Syringa through the forest, she turned herself into a lilac shrub to disguise herself because she was afraid of him. Pan found the shrub and used part of it to create the first panpipe.

Lilac's scientific name is Syringa.

Lilacs originated in Eastern Europe and Asia and were brought over to North America in the 17th century.

There is a yellow variety of lilacs called 'Primrose', it’s not a common sight in North American gardens, and was only introduced in 1949.

Lilacs have different meanings in different cultures throughout the centuries. The Celtics saw lilacs as magical because of their sweet scent. During the Victorian age, lilacs were a symbol of an old love, In Russia, holding a sprig of lilac over a newborn baby was thought to bring wisdom.

The ideal spot to plant lilacs is in an area with full sun (at least 6 to 8 hours per day) — too much shade and they may not bloom. Lilacs like slightly alkaline, moist, well-drained soil. The best time to plant lilacs is in late fall before the ground freezes. The next best time to plant is in early spring after the ground thaws.

Lilacs have come to symbolize spring and renewal because they are early bloomers.

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