Past Life Regression

$20-$24 (60 min) Saturday, May 4th, @8PM PDT
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Whatever you are sensing beyond this time, trust your intuition.
Go back to the long forgotten past and find out.
Your soul remembers everything and will take you back to the very past life that has the key to a deep understanding.
Energy healing will be offered before coming back to the present time.
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are cordially invited and warmly welcomed.
Please join me in this incredible journey beyond the time and space!
Not sure if this is for you? I will help you find out in the Gift Session, "Insight & Inspiration" (30 min). *This is not a healing session.
For any questions, don't want to pay a processing fee, and everything else, please contact me here. I would LOVE to celebrate the connection with you.
Thank you for visiting my page.
You are a beautiful soul.
aki Energy Healer Holistic Hypnotherapist
424.387.9011 (USA)
