Ask the Tarot ~ Your Monthly Card Reading ~ Aug 2022
Just wanted to invite you to register for this month's "Ask the Tarot" Session!! It is scheduled for 4:30 pm EST on Tuesday August 30th.
What an amazingly transformative and powerful month of deep inner balance, personal truth seeking and realizations this has been!! Have you been feeling this?

This week we will be influenced by a New Moon in the sign of Virgo (arriving on the 27th). This moon phase is all about self-awareness, healing and honesty. It inspires us to focus upon finding and feeling a sense of spiritual wholeness at a time where we may be feeling a wee bit discombobulated.
At its core, this is a moon primarily about joy, and the joy that comes through self-acceptance of ALL of you (yep - warts, flaws and all!!). You know that you have the capacity for change and extracting yourself from of routines that don’t serve your highest purpose. Time to open your heart and mind to these new possibilities.
... such an excellent time to tune into the wisdom of the Tarot!!
Here is the link to sign up and get the details to join me on Tuesday (30th):
We will be meeting via Zoom at 4:30 pm EST you will receive a reminder and access info when you sign up)
These monthly f*ree sessions are for you if you are:
ready to take a journey of personal and spiritual growth and learn how to receive intuitive information and insights
ready to develop and work with your intuition with more certainty, clarity, and confidence.
ready to create positive changes in all areas of your life and to create a solid foundation for developing your spiritual capacity.
Looking forward to seeing you there!!
Much Love,