The Peace Rose
Ronnie and I grow lovely Peace Roses at A Beautiful Life HQ, pictured below.

Peace roses are one of the most sought-after roses in the world, and with good reason. This hybrid tea rose features stunning crème-to-yellow petals with pretty pink tips, and nice green foliage. They are hardy, can grow in many different climates, and are disease resistant, making them accessible to people everywhere. Cultivated by Francis Meilland in France in the late 30s, just gazing upon this rose and its details creates a sense of calm and wonder. Peace is definitely needed these days, both within us and in our world. The delegates of the first United Nations meeting were each given a Peace rose with a note: "We hope the 'Peace' rose will influence men’s thoughts for everlasting world peace."
“Forgiveness is the scent that the rose leaves on the heel that crushes it.” - Anonymous