The Landscapes of Healing and Growth

In the healing and the shadow work, we are here; here with you now, with the remembrance of the true moment in time when you became aware of your caring nature towards yourself as you already have for others, we see you now and see you shine as you are taking that leap of faith and following your own path , your own divine guidance from the higher realms of light and love. We become the joining forces in light now as we are catapulting out the divine rays of light as you are beginning your dance among the stars and your evolutionary shift into the cosmos where you too are beginning to bring forth your best self ,your true self, no matter what may be going on.
We see you standing tall in your grace and at ease with your life choices and the place where you are hanging your hat at this present moment. We see you standing tall in the divine guidance that you have helped hither out to the public and people. We are with you now and we see you with your clever eyes on the prize. The prize of oneness into your future of mankind. We see you taking stalk of where you are and where you are going, and we see you delivering up a pretty big feat at this time. We see you taking on the challenges of forgiveness of the many realms that are out and about and outdated at this time in the many on goings on your world.
We see you taking the stand and delivering up the fine truths of your forecasting of the benevolent past and malevolent ones on your planet. We see your strong conviction and brute force in the kind messages getting out there .We see you take a lot on in this moment and we wish to remind you that yes, we are happy of the forth truth you are bringing forward in the desires of mankind but we also want to remind you to sit back and enjoy , take action on the plans of the beautiness of it all in nature and the landscapes of healing and growth that Is also coming around to you in your world.
The uncovering of the fine truths of the mud flood buildings and the collapsing of the many systems in the past and the forthcoming futures are all in the up and coming for the transformational healing going on in your world now. We ask you to take a step back now in honour of what you have learnt and integrate this into your akashic records so you too may unblock and uncover what it all truly means for you and for all of humanity. Also, for the next steps to be taking on your journey as we have been tracking and watching into the new belief systems coming in as some are on the promising of the up and coming and some are fading and falling away. With all this, yes, we have seen some anger and anxiety going on within you and around you.
Yes, the forefathers and your fathers have all intertwined with the key notes of the past and of the truth speakers, now my dear it is your turn to turn the tables on the fables and the lies that have been told, and yes, my dear one, please do not hold on to those energies anymore. Allow them to all come to the surface and be released. Once the realizations have come to pass then let them go. Allow them to take the back seat and let them go into the past and allow the new awakening of the akashic records to strip the records clean and clear of these old energies and allow the healing momentum to continue to pour in and allow the upheaval to climb up but know it is almost ready for the come down now my dear
The unleashing and releasing of the old time zones are before you now and the triumphant lessons and passages and teachings of the new age thought leaders and channelers will bring forth a new reign of believers and timestamps for humanity to cheer on into the newness and new path of tomorrow. The oneness and abundance that will come forth within this new evolutionary pathway of lighting up the light and the sparks that have been lit are now being broadcasted across the cosmos.
Yes, some may be seen in an energetic shift, in the solar flares of the sun truly bringing illumination to mother earth Gaia. The divineness is swelling up inside and ready to burst and climb up to the highest mountain top to continue leading humanity down this pathway of oneness, compassion and togetherness. The laws of separation are now simmering down the drain and are no longer applicable in this new landing and platform you are all rising to now my dear ones. To the true believers of the true north star and horizon shifting now you will uncover and begin to see yourself in the new light of the ones we are all meant to be. The uncovering of this model will strike a pose with humanity, its leaders and the ones who are calling the shots.
The evolutionary oneness is here and spreading across your doorsteps of arrival now. We give great thanks and reverence to you all who share this light and new wave of emotional clearing and healing out to the world. We see you and the many light workers beaming their energetic light codes and activations across the land and into the heavens and all the way back to grounding down with mother earth. She gives thanks and gratitude for the spreading of the pink blanket of love around the world that is being sent out and received with bells on. It’s in great reverence and grace that we see you seeking the seekers to continue to broaden the horizon tips from one end of the galaxy to the next. The love bubbling up and being cast around the globe and into each aura of every human, animal, being and energetic life force is in the construct of the creation of this new world.
A New higher dimensional earth plane that all beings are now mastering, and learning from are now taking this big leap of faith to imagine the greatest creation in the history of mankind. This is the glory of all beings in your presence of one and all in the grace of universal life force and to some it may be god. We are all here with you, beseeching you all to continue to grow and shine your light body within the miraculous ways of the new mother earth light codes streaming from Gaia into your heart stings now. We are all here on time and on purpose and please remember how beautiful, unique, special and gifted you all are in the eyes of humanity and true beings of light. We go now with the love and understanding of our place in the larger order of things within the time capsule and time stamp of the abundance of light codes entering your space now. With peace and love and truth we go now amen.

Melissa is a Spiritual Channeller, Intuitive Healer, Coach, Mentor, Writer, Teacher, Psychic Medium/Channeler, Hypnotherapist and Essenian Assistant Healer. Melissa has trained as a Reiki Master, Registered Practical Nurse, and a Medical Office Assistant.
She is a contributing writer for a Beautiful Life magazine and speaks on many topics on sharing the wisdom that we are all one and we are all connected within our heart-opening awareness. Melissa also uses her intuition to help guide you to connect to your soul through guided meditation, channelling, and reiki energy healing, to help you gain clarity, peace and purpose so you can bring forth your best self, your true self, out into the world. She will also help you open up to discover your deep intuition and guidance system and you will learn what this inner compass is all about.
She will help you to learn to trust what you are sensing and feeling as you learn to see, sense and feel what your soul is saying to you. This work has helped many feel their true inner connection and rise up to their true calling! No one is alone on their journey and its Melissa’s passion to remind you that whether here or beyond, you have someone looking over you! For many years, Melissa sensed her angels and guides around her and know that inside this space is where the magic happens!.