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Throughout the Universe, there are no isolated events or isolated objects. There are only intersecting relationships or cosmic connections. In order to master this phenomenon, we must
first grasp this reality. We must master the art of dealing with relationships in its many forms. We must come to appreciate that those individuals who cause us the most challenges are
indeed, our best teachers—for it is through them that Synchro-Destiny works its wonders!

To put it very simply, our ability to influence the cosmic energy field and to bring synchronicity into our lives does not depend upon knowing magic formulas or the principles of quantum physics. It depends on our relationships with other people. To understand how human relationships work, we have to honor other people for the miraculous beings they really are. But most and foremost, we must recognize our own inner Light before we can see the Light in others!

As we come to recognize and accept the vibrating energy, (I AM Presence) that is inherent in every human being that we meet, we will come to accept that, not only that we are equals, but that every person is a profound expression of the Universe itself~~a spark of Divinity of God's Consciousness! As we embrace this metaphysical phenomenon, judgment and violence will cease to be, and the Shift from the ego to the Intelligence of our Spiritual Heart will begin to permeate our planet thus the second coming! Realizing this profound phenomenon is not a matter of the intellect, and we don't have to thoroughly understand the discoveries of modern physics or the spiritual tradition that anticipated these discoveries thousands of years ago, but to take it on faith that every encounter and every relationship has a cosmic significance.

This profound awakening that transpires between two people has its roots far into the past, as well as the future! Therefore, living consciously is the first step to recognizing synchronicity! But more importantly, understanding that there is a connection in every encounter, which is the principle of Karma. Unfortunately/fortunately, all of us are sowing and reaping in every moment of our lives. Nothing is without cause and effect, especially in relationships. Therefore, embracing this ancient teaching, which was taught by the R.C. Church until the 6th century AD can liberate us from countless cycles of suffering. And accepting that we are, indeed, the creator of our circumstances, will begin the shift from the victim to a New Way of perceiving our life's challenges.

I can hear what you are thinking! (This is ludicrous~~why would I choose such a challenging relationship)? Unfortunately, the awakening can only occur through challenging relationships. For example, if I had not experienced a challenging relationship, perhaps it might have taken me another embodiment to embrace and accept what so many Meta-physicians have been writing about for eons. And on a more personal note, I would have never been awakened and discovered my life's purpose.

Therefore, as we Shift from fear to love, and embrace this phenomenon, we will no longer struggle against the current, but we will come to appreciate the personal growth that can ensue as a result of the storms in our life! But more importantly, as we come to embrace this ancient teaching, the myths surrounding mental illness will be better understood. A broken heart can only be healed through love, compassion, and self-forgiveness, which will enable us to extend forgiveness to others!

Rita Be-Still, Light Bearer , Author, Motivational Speaker Be-Still - A New Dawn of Awakening - Bridge to Inner Freedom

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