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Spring Cleaning That Counts

As our thoughts turn to Spring it is time to start cleaning. Releasing negativity and letting go of things and people that do not make our lives better or richer. It is truly time to accept or release things that we cannot change in our lives. If we have learned anything at all from the past two plus years, it is that life and personal freedoms are precious. The ability to perform normal and routine tasks is something that we cannot ever take for granted again.

Stop taking a hair appointment or nail appointment as something we will always be able to do as it is proven that this is not the case all of the time. Arrogance is the real problem with the human condition. We all seem to believe that we are the only ones that matter and that we make the choices in our lives. That time is and will always be, on our side. We are wrong!

Living life honestly and with humility yields great results and allows us to connect to others and the Universe in a meaningful and authentic manner. Allowing your spirituality to become more important to you will help you to connect with yourself in the best way possible. Once the release of negative energy begins, you notice that you feel lighter, you mood if lifted and your heart and mind are at peace. Carrying around negativity from anyone or anything is like an anchor around your neck. Your soul is not free and you do not and cannot possibly show the world your wonder and your greatness. It is also a total lack of respect for you.

So as the sun shines more often and the flowers bloom, take the time to smell the fragrance of spring. Breathe in the life force that makes us all one and know that you are a part of the picture of life and love and harmony. Listen to the birds sing and play and stop the insanity of being unconnected. Love yourself enough stop the nonsense and live your life, your one and only life, with the hope and love you deserve now and always.

Happy Spring Everyone!

Diane Makarowski Hello, I am someone who helps people to see the great qualities they possess that they take for granted. I can assist you with job interviews, being a better leader and many other things that life throws our way. Let me help you to help yourself. Get to know me.

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