Is This the Future of Coffee?
Traditional coffee beans may be extinct by 2050
Tisanes can be used in place of traditional coffee and taste like coffee, too
This “new coffee” can reduce heart disease and ulcers

If you’re used to pulling dandelions from your lawn and throwing them into a lawn bag, you may want to start keeping them. According to The Climate Institute of Australia, by 2050 the world will lose half its suitable land for growing coffee. They also argue that by 2050, coffee beans as we know them will go extinct.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t know what I’d do without my daily fix. Luckily, future me needs not worry. Dandelions to the rescue! Dandelion root, that is. Yes, that pesky “weed” that everyone frantically removes from their lawn could be our saving grace in 30 years.
It’s called dandelion coffee, which is actually a tisane or herbal tea. In 1852, Susanna Moodie mentioned how to make dandelion tea in her memoir, Roughing it in the Bush – not to mention, dandelion tisane has been consumed for centuries in both Middle Eastern and Chinese cultures.
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This “coffee” is known to have a similar taste to coffee, except its cheaper and arguably has more health benefits than the coffee we know and love. It is made from fresh or dried roots, leaves, stems, and flowers.
Dandelion coffee is known to help with liver congestion, bloating, bone health, UTIs, digestion, circulation, and has been said to help fight cancer and diabetes!
Another alternative to coffee that is already on the market: mushroom coffee – in this case, the mushrooms don’t replace traditional coffee beans, instead, ground coffee and mushroom extract are blended together before brewing.
Much like dandelion tea, mushroom coffee has been consumed in China for centuries as a remedy for heart disease, food allergies, stress, and ulcer prevention. Mushroom coffee was also widely used in Finland during WWll when traditional coffee beans were in short supply. The difference between mushroom coffee in the past and today is that while today we blend traditional coffee with mushrooms, mushroom tea was previously made with mushrooms alone.

Hopefully by 2050 scientists will be able to further study the side effects of both dandelion and mushroom tea, and how we can consume these drinks safely. Both of these drinks are enjoyed today, but it is recommended that no more than 3 cups are drunk per day. And of course, people who are allergic to weeds or mushrooms unfortunately cannot consume these drinks. I’m sure though by then even more seemingly weird coffee-concoctions will become available.
I don’t know what the future will look like, but knowing that I can still enjoy my coffee, even is its not “coffee,” makes the future seem brighter!
Would you drink dandelion or mushroom coffee?
Yeah, as long as I get my daily cup (or two)!
No way! I'll find traditional coffee one way or another
Maybe, I'd have to try it
*Please note: do not drink dandelion or mushroom coffee (tisane) without consulting your doctor first. Never drink dandelion or mushroom coffee (tisane) while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Krista Swais-Hannesen Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief, A Beautiful Life Magazine & Books
Instagram: @kristahannesen