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Divine Intuitive Healing

Melissa’s introduction to energy healing came after her pregnancy when she experienced a lot of back pain. She sought out traditional therapies like physiotherapy, chiropractic, massage, osteopathy, and naturopathy. She was also introduced to reiki, craniosacral therapy, and Intuitive Healing. While attending meditation circles, she started receiving intuitive messages about other members of the circle. She was encouraged to develop her intuitive sense by the others, which led her to courses designed to develop her psychic voice and energy healing powers. After intensive study, Melissa became a Reiki Master. Early on in her studies, Melissa started a course in Mediumship, but was overwhelmed by the sensations she was receiving so she stepped back and returned to her meditation circles. During the circles she started receiving more clearly defined pictures and feelings, so when she went back to the mediumship courses, she was prepared for the messages to come.

As chronic back pain interfered with her ability to work as an ER nurse, and the subsequent breakdown of her marriage, Melissa turned more and more to energy healing techniques, feeling that traditional medicine was treating her symptoms, not fixing her problem. As she used the modalities for her own healing, she also took courses, eventually branched out to more esoteric practices of Essenian Healing and to learn how to use energy to treat others. She is now a Reiki Master in the Usui Shiki Ryoho/Tibetan method of healing. She is also a Medium, using psychometry and spirit guides to receive messages from loved ones who have passed, and a Channeler of messages from the Divine Beings of Light. With one foot in the field of traditional medicine and the other in energy healing, Melissa bridges the gap as a Medical Intuitive and Intuitive Healer.

As Melissa developed her psychic and energetic abilities, she was able to look back at her life and recognize the pivotal moments when her Intuitive Voice had been speaking to her, whether she listened to it or not. As a teen, Melissa wrote poetry about other people’s pain and she had deep compassion for them. She felt compelled, yet unsure, how to help them. She now understands that these were her first channelings. She continues her education and spiritual development to inspire people and enhance her healing gifts. Her goal is to let people know they’re not alone—there are always beings behind the scenes working for you. Through meditation and healing, the issues from her childhood and youth were able to come full circle and heal.

Melissa Brankiewicz is the creator of True Beings of Light Intuitive Healing. She is a Reiki Master, Medium, Channeler, Medical Intuitive and Intuitive Healer, and gives classes on Meditation and Intuitive Development. Melissa is a divorced mother of a teenage daughter who is attending art school and keeping up Melissa’s motto, “Be Yourself.” Melissa enjoys entertainment in all forms: live music performances, movies, plays and shows. At home she listens to a lot of music, audiobooks, and podcasts, with Greg Braden as a particular favourite. She also loves to celebrate birthdays and have big parties with friends and family. Melissa loves everything summer—the beach, swimming, boating, and canoeing. She is a big fan of all of the superhero movies, but she has a particular affinity for Wanda, aka Scarlet Witch, from the Avengers series, because she manipulates energy with her hands which is also Melissa’s superpower. Her next goal is to develop her career as a public speaker so she can share her channelings with a live audience to inspire large-scale healing.

“It’s not about the issue, it’s about addressing the energy blockage that relates to the issue.”

Learn more about Melissa here:


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