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Awakening in the Spring and the Seasons of Change

Channeling April 21, 2024pril 21, 2024

In the beginning of the whirlwinds, we are here beside you now. Cascading around you and caressing you all at once. In the fine knowing that we are here wrapping our arms around you now as you are feeling the changes of seasons and of the wind. The blowing maneuvers is a work of art by the angels of the wind and the forces of nature. This has been the way we help humanity move forward on their everyday tasks and it brings them forth to accomplish the biggest challenges in their lives.

Without this force moving you forward then you may be caught in a loop of stagnation and stooping. We bring you the ways to see yourself in a new light and we set you out on that new course of action. We help you steer that ship you call life and transformation that is much needed and required on your world and planet. The humanness that you are and are becoming is written in the stars, but it is also in the mastering of your true divine gifts that are put out before you now. You stand tall and you are making a difference in all of your lives, and what you share with others is what they will put out in the world, for the strings of your attachments and heart strings play a role and play a beautiful sound on the instruments of life that are being strung and rejoiced in all of your lives.

You bring forth the newness that it takes for each and every one of you to rise up, lift up, shift up, and begin your new day, each and every day. You help uncover the synchronicities that lie beneath the surface, waiting to be discovered. What joyful of the connections that are being made when one rises up out of the ashes and knows and sees that the people around them and before them are all meant to be players in this grand life. The awareness of the fellow brothers and sisters, who now see and make the connections of the energetic patterns around them now are in awe of all of this. They can weigh in and see what is unraveling right before their eyes and are able to feel the energetic shifts of change and also feel the different frequencies and vibrations before them now.

The discernment is there beckoning you to move forward in the right direction of your own truth. Allowing what is meant to unfold comes into fruition, and letting go of what doesn’t feel right and what no longer serves you. You have been feeling the higher and lower vibrations as they have been guiding you to your next journey and adventure. It is in the highs and the lows that have put perspective back in front of you now. In the kind of learning and teaching of the ancient ways, you have catapulted yourself up into the new frontier of a new beginning and a new awakening. It is now that you are truly remembering what it is to grow once again and master, fine-tune new skills, and bring yourself out into the brotherhood and sisterhood of awakening with mankind.

You have signed sealed and delivered on your promises to go out into the world and to see, to really see and go uncover the new mystical ways of what it's truly like to be human, your innate attributes of awareness, of oneness, and of forms of separation when you see sadness and isolation in the eyes of many at this time. You have come to discover that your vantage point has shifted, and you now understand that all this is required to make the world go around. It is here that humans come to discover their own fine truths, their strengths and their weaknesses. It is here that you all can bear witness to shining your light out to others who may need assistance and it's where each and every one of you can move forward into your own strengths to help and discover where your gifts lie in order to help out your brothers and sisters.

When you shine and show up for others is when they can open up and see their own strengths and values and this is where they too can learn to show up and shine their own light out into the world to help others. It is a continuous loop of oneness and unity that humanity faces in their very existence, and it is a far greater feat of discovery that has been placed before you all now. It is in the power of unity that you will all discover how truly magnificent you truly are and how your roles all play out in the continuous shift of moving humanity forward on your world planet. It is through the greater consciousness of togetherness that you all can move forward with ease and grace and begin to live in the present moment of complete awareness, where your higher self shines through as your true self and is at the forefront in the carrying forward of your consciousness in unity.

For it’s in this movement and awakening that is going on in your world that you are now participating in that will evaluate the platform of which these messages continue to be heard. It’s in the forward motion and notions of the day of believers of the Christ light to continue lighting up the darkness and spreading the light into the areas that are being dug up and shown to you all now. For this is how the deeper crevices can receive the light as they are rising up now out of the ashes. Being sprung up into the new seasons as we awaken into the spring and watch as the trees, grass, and plants of Mother Nature rise up and bring the beauty and allowance of newness and change and new beginnings.

The colorful array of the beautifulness of life will once again be reawakened in us all as we bear witness to the wind of change that is bringing us new perspective on the cycles of life that move us forward and show up to show us an illuminated path of all what we are here to see and experience in this incredible journey of life, allowing our souls to feel the transitioning of one season to the next to awaken the desires of what it's truly like to be alive. Here we will experience life, and the flow of the universal love that has been guiding us for millennia as we shift and move into our next voluntary role of alignmentakening in the Spring and the Seasons of Changeakening in the Spring and the Seasons of Change.

Melissa is a Spiritual Channeller, Intuitive Healer, Coach, Mentor, Writer, Teacher, Psychic Medium/Channeler, Hypnotherapist, and Essenian Assistant Healer. Melissa has trained as a Reiki Master, Registered Practical Nurse, and Medical Office Assistant. She is a contributing writer for A Beautiful Life magazine and speaks on many topics sharing the wisdom that we are all one and we are all connected within our heart-opening awareness.

Melissa also uses her intuition to help guide you to connect to your soul through guided meditation, channeling, and reiki energy healing, to help you gain clarity, peace, and purpose so you can bring forth your best self, your true self, out into the world. She will also help you open up to discover your deep intuition and guidance system and you will learn what this inner compass is all about. She will help you to learn to trust what you are sensing and feeling as you learn to see, sense, and feel what your soul is saying to you.

This work has helped many feel their true inner connection and rise up to their true calling! No one is alone on their journey and it's Melissa’s passion to remind you that whether here or beyond, you have someone looking over you! For many years, Melissa sensed her angels and guides around her and knew that inside this space is where the magic happens!

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