Your Hypnotic Superpowers

One of the greatest joys and satisfactions in my work as a healing arts practitioner for 21 years (and counting) is witnessing people heal. Moving beyond long-standing issues. Pain dissolves and the person enters into a state of renewal. What does this new healing feel like? When we focus so much on what to do to resolve these pains, hurts, and ongoing and seemingly constant discomforts, what happens when they resolve?
How do we feel when the pain is gone? Lighter, freer, more present, more open, more ourselves. We are continually shifting our attention to and from ourselves to others and the many and myriad tasks we do moment to moment, day to day. What do we do when the tensions, pain, heartbreak, and grief resolve? The weight of it all - free, unburdened; the memory of the holding of it being a constant companion, no more. The trigger, the charge, gone. The morass of discomfort freed. No longer a bother…what then?
As we live in this magnificent time of evolutionary growth, welcoming in betterment, healing, calm, and comfort, as we rest in our essence, our essential being, our essential knowing, we may be letting go of past hurts and regrouping around newfound energy or feeling a deeper peace than we have ever experienced before. Hypnosis is a wonderful tool to achieve these states of peace, calm, and relaxation, these awesome states of self-healing.
The first step in achieving hypnotic trance is total relaxation. Relaxing the body and mind for the purpose of going into hypnotic trance. A wonderful state of deep relaxation where your body restores as it does during sleep, and your mind rests as your inner senses activate and connect to your eternal and creative self. The healing power of relaxing-your thinking mind deepening into relaxation for the purpose of healing and training your mind and body to remember how it feels to be relaxed and comfortable.
This wonderful and enjoyable training can help to restore balance in your nervous system. An extra wonderful aspect of hypnosis is that it activates the parts of your brain that receive stories and create with imagination. This is a super creative aspect of our innate human faculties- we can create stories with meaning to renew ourselves. Once this state of self-healing unfolds in you there is a piqued interest in finding yourself more relaxed, freer, and calm in moments where maybe in the past you would be triggered.
This gradual and subtle clearing of a constant underlying agitation, freed to expand into new energy, new growth, new interests, new healing, new wonder, new creative, fun, and maybe even challenging endeavors blossom. As our nervous systems shift gears from all the things we are doing to all the things we are being, our physiology cues shift with a sigh, a yawn, or a moment where you notice, wow, I am not reacting. Healing your overreactive nervous system creates regulation and balance in life.
When the outside world begins to recede, separating out the sounds of the bird song, feeling the sun rays reaching your skin, the illumination, connection of photon to biophoton, feeling the warmth. Listening to the sound of music playing, if there were some jazz or classical or maybe some ethereal music, and you were sitting by a gently bubbling brook dipping your feet in warm water or in soft soothing sand on a beautiful day at the beach, or just standing, grounded, feeling your feet firmly planted on the earth, aligned and unbounded beneath a tall majestic pine or redwood tree in the deep forest.
All of these imaginings, and mindscapes create gentle and powerful sensory stimulations. Thinking of these scenes brings you into a new state of mind and a new state of being. Your neurology calms down and relaxes and you go deeper into self-healing states. Relaxation is the bridge to deeper states of enjoyment states of deep creativity and sensory experience. As you read these words and allow these impressions to fall within you, your feeling senses come to the forefront. You are activating the regenerative capacity to make your own movies as creator and producer. You are the star of this creative force, of your life and living. Your inner experience of seeing, hearing, even tasting, and smelling is a superpower you have.
The innate ability we have to play as children is also our companion as adults. Your imagination is one of the best ways to activate your inner resources for healing. This is a delightful form of self-healing, and self-guidance, and a wonderful tool for life progress, Hypnosis utilizes the imagination to activate healing states. What do you want to achieve? What do you want to experience in your daily life and living? How do you want to feel in your relationships and interactions with others? What do total self-acceptance and self-love feel like, look like, and sound like every day for you?
The more we know about our innate faculties and our human capacities for infinite growth the more possibilities come online in our entire lives. Greater and greater feelings of satisfaction, joy, and abundance continue to open up as we express ourselves and utilize our inner powers and strength in creating more delight, wonder, and joy, nourishing your mind body, and spirit wholly.

Claire Miriam Ostrovsky LMT, CNMT, CHT Claireified Healing Arts Claire is available for Hypnotherapy online and Reconnective Healing at a distance. Claire Miriam Ostrovsky is a Healing Arts Practitioner, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, and Licensed Massage Therapist located in beautiful Tucson, Arizona. I have been a Healing Arts Practitioner in private practice since 2003 and a Hypnotherapist since 2016. It is truly an honor to support people on their paths to health and wellness.