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The New Door Step Right Before Your Very Eyes, The Next Illumination of Discovery On Your Path

In the now and the knowing we are here, in the belief codes we are being shown a shining light in the center of creation, we are being divinely guided as we set the spark into motion. In the eyes of the beholder, we are tethering together the mark of the everlasting joint form connection we have to Mother Earth, to the Gaia, to the divine. We bring forth the evolutionary beginning in the process of all of mankind moving through this precipitator at this time.

We are uncovering and unblindfolding you all now to the next illumination of discovery on your path. Do you see it, do you feel it, the unmasking of the beautifulness that has been hidden from the world in plain sight of the truth of our very existence as we know it. We come to you, and we sit with you as we are looking all around to the many platforms that have been disguised as something else, something far more sinister than you could imagine. It has been leaking all around and this year my dear we are uncovering the many doors and openings that have been releasing all this. We are barring together in this network of light to help you see with transparency through all this. The curtains are being drawn and everything will appear to you in plain sight, and you will be seeing the trueness of it all and you will be embarking on sharing the light and the truth to all of humanity.

The world of creation will be cast upon you own stage of life and you will all see the divine spark in all of you and you will be taught the powers of manifestation and how your belief codes all influence this connection to the divine, your lifeline, and your own DNA. It is remarkable of the fine truths of discovery that you will embark on. The notions of the power of your energy centers and chakras will all come online and will awaken to and embody the true blueprint of your divine design, human by design, and the kind fourth manifestation of your most remarkable on high deep seeded connection to the stars, the divine beings of light, true beings of light, extraterrestrials and to some it may be God. The fine truth connection of it all will come into play into all of your very lives and beingness and it will catapult you all out into a world that you have not known for a very long time.

The uncovering of the details will surprise many and may cause some upset but we are here to remind you of your god given birthright of the forms of creations that you are. The likeness of you coming in contact with a divine being of light will be on high and the evolutionary process will be delivered out to the many masses, and we will embark on a whole new world of being and creation. We will strike forth in the new revolutionary process of rebuilding lost cities and lost civilizations within the higher technological society that we are building. We will uncover the free energy that has been suppressed for so long. And yes, my dear new cures will be coming out to you all in your world. We see you and the many lightworkers being the bearer of this new engagement and forms of communication out to the people. And the world will be astonished and in creative mode all at once.

You see we are helping you discover all the magnificent ways you can be of service to all of mankind and bring forth your true talents to the table in the new form of engineering and skills development. In the teaching of the new ways and most of all, of the love, healing, and compassion that is set to be sent out and recaptured by all the hearts of humanity. This feeling will be out reaching far and wide and felt and reverberated throughout the animal kingdoms, and into the dynasties and all the new beginning developments and communities that are forming this brave new world and civilization. One that we are living with one another in honour, love, and pride to be of service to all mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and all creatures big and small. We will see the life force of all beings emanating out from every life and we will bring back the honouring of the transition from this life to the next. Know that each and every soul will have this opportunity to reach out to the divine and embark on their life journeys in a way that will transition you into this new evolutionary being of light that will transcend space and time.

We will remind you how to work in the web of creation into each and every new life you choose to live out in this world and otherworldly places. You will transcend this evolutionary pathway as it is a will of the ways as to say and has been on this pathway for many years and has come off course, but this my dear one, we are right on time and humanity is bearing witness to this new doorstep right before your very eyes, and we are in love with humanity and so it is

Melissa is a true healer, physically, energetically, and spiritually. For many years, Melissa sensed her angels and guides around her. Intuitively, she has received messages through channeling, and regularly shares, records, and publishes the messages and guidance that she receives. This work has helped many receive comfort and light while on their Light Path Transition. No one is alone and it is Melissa’s passion to ensure that all who are in pain, know that there is always someone looking over them, whether here or beyond, and are helping them heal at a soul level. Melissa is a Spiritual Channeller Spiritual Coach, Intuitive Healer, Teacher, Psychic Medium/Channeler, and Hypnotherapist. Melissa has trained as a Reiki Master, Registered Practical Nurse, and Medical Office Assistant. She is a contributing writer for A Beautiful Life magazine and speaks on many topics to share the knowledge that we are all one and we are all connected within our heart-opening awareness.


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