The Light Body That You Are Becoming!
Friday March 26, 2022
The Light body that you are becoming!
In the now and the knowing we are here. We bring forth fast rising information of the present star seeds arriving on your doorsteps at this time. The newness that is coming together and rising up now in the present moment now are spreading kindness and ricocheting it off the shelves and flying forth in such a commotion that it is turning everyone’s heads in an instant.
The kind knowing that you are forming an allegiance with the fellow, mothers, and fathers now in the solar system are bringing forth and rising up to the brother hood and sister hoods that are beaming out in all directions and being seen like a kaleidoscope across the very night sky that you look upon every night.
In the kind knowledge and newness in the light codes coming into the beingness that you know of yourself to be is and will be shifting and changing and rising up to the temples in the heavens now to share and shine in our majestic rituals now that you have been learning about now. The practices of the Pleiadeans that you have been learning and searching for are all coming into fruition and into the light bodies that have been in the vicinity of the energetic upgrades and healings that you have been participating in and providing to your fellow star seeds and brother and sisters. The sky is the limit so to say as you are broadcasting out these new fine tune forks of higher vibrational sounds and words and chants and toning now.
Please believe in one another and in all that you have been experiencing this year. The belief codes are off the charts as you have been raising your vibration and sharing in your kind knowledge and truth that we are all one and we are all part of greater collective far greater than you could ever imagine. The star charts are rising to the for front of the seekers and light workers and all this is making so much more sense to yourself and to others. So many of you are reaching out to find the similarities and synchronicities that are going on in your lives now in this present moment.
The delight in the star being’s arrivals on your planet and world now is bringing in the attention of many planetary bodies that have been helping and witnessing the new everlasting changes on your world within the masses greater consciousnesses now.
In the beings of light, the hearts are vibrating and ricocheting out immense love and caretaking efforts now that all your fellow beings of light are now sitting in contemplation with answers coming in within an instant, within a flash you are receiving downloads and encouragement to keep going onto this course.
Keep corralling up the light and the message will keep coming within the planetary light codes that have been blasting off and coming in and sinking deep into your pineal glands and DNA and the everlasting shift and timecards that have been implanted into your very being. We wish to ask each and every one of you to allow yourself the time to open up and acknowledge these time codes and time shifts that are leveling out and helping you lean into the time zones, and timelines.
You are helping to level up and build and create from the many light forms that you may have been in other lives and past lives. They are all merging tighter in to one as you are incorporating all the knowledge and teaching into the light body you are in now. For this is the body that chose to be here at this time. You have made the shift and are now helping other make this shift and jump as we enter a new era where only love and benevolence can exist.
Please keep your thoughts pure without judgment or fear or anger for if you feel those characteristics you will not be making the shift forward, but please know and trust that it’s your souls decision and you have made that soul contract before you came here and this is all part of the divine plan, and the souls journey is many journeys and you are on the right path and will continue to provide future growth for your soul. Whether it be this lifetime or future lifetimes. You will continue to expand into the higher conciseness beings that you are meant to be. You are in those times now my dear ones, so please hang on tight for the ride.
We see you and we feel you and we thank you all for your love and grace you have been providing to all your fellow light beings and star seeds. We thank you for holding space for the wounded and the hurt. You are helping the design in their lives and helping them transmute the energies which now longer serve them. As you continue to provide this guidance, you yourself continue to let go of what no linger serves you as you enter into the higher dimensional realms of light.
The time stamps have been placed and you are right on time so continue shining your light out to the world and we all usher in this wide heart opening compassion for each and every fellow man woman and child on this planet earth you call home. We are all chiming in with the ringing of the bells from all of your fellow star systems and planetary bodies around your planet at this time.
Take the time and close your eyes and remember to breathe in and out consciously every day. The life force that sustains you is sinking deep inside of you as you take each and every single breath into your temple of life. Please remember to take care of it and treat it nicely with love and peace and guidance and to fill up your heart and soul. We continue to share out the light throughout the cosmos now made with love and peace and beauty now we go now amen.
About the Author
Melissa is a true healer, physically, energetically, and spiritually.
For many years, Melissa sensed her angels and guides around her. Intuitively, she has received messages through channeling, and regularly shares, records, and publishes the messages and guidance that she receives. This work has helped many receive comfort and light while on their Light Path Transition. No one is alone and it is Melissa’s passion to ensure that all who are in pain, know that there is always someone looking over them, whether here or beyond, and are helping them heal at a soul level.
Melissa is a Spiritual Channeller Intuitive Healer, Teacher, Psychic Medium/Channeler and Essenian Healer. Melissa has trained as a Reiki Master, Registered Practical Nurse, and a Medical Office Assistant. She is a contributing writer for a Beautiful Life magazine and speaks on many topics to sharing the knowledge that we are all one and we are all connected within our heart-opening awareness.
Contact Melissa Email: Website: Facebook: True Beings Of Light Intuitive Healing Instagram: misslissad Twitter: kisslissad Linked in : Melissa Downard and also True Beings of Light Intuitive Healing Mobile: 905 866 7424
Please message me to connect for guidance and healing in these new challenging times. Join me for a soul purpose reading where your guides can help you thrive in these times. Find out what they want you to know! I AM OFFERING A SPECIAL PRICE FOR READINGS, REIKI ENERGY HEALINGS AND MEDITATION AND INTUITION CLASSES AT THIS TIME.
Always in the light
Melissa T. Downard