Make this Autumn Meaningful

Can you believe this is the week of the Autumn Equinox (Thurs Sep 22nd)?
Though I love apple cinnamon and the orange-coloured leaves, I do feel sad to let go of this past summer. Especially because I intended to make it my "most enjoyable summer ever!" And I did -- from going to Saskatchewan for a week, to swimming in an outdoor pool, to nature walks and berry picking and cottaging in wine country. I was bound and determined to embrace the season.
As an eco-spiritual practitioner, I know that every season has a reason and offers us great soul reflections to help us grow in inner peace and expressing our potential.
As a quote I found online said: "Autumn is the season that shows us that change can be beautiful." How true, yet so many of us are afraid of change.
This season is all about change in a way that leads to balance and feeling abundant. Summer was about activity and many of us fell out of routine and lost focus of our career or personal growth goals. Fall is about calming down a bit, finding a routine that makes us feel grounded and focused, and surrounding us with our tribe to support and nurture us through the winter months and into spring.
I actually made a bold move this week and signed up for a 6-month membership at the YMCA -- and I LOVE it. The Y is my soul home where it is infused with values of kindness, inclusivity, community and well-being. Being there just fills up my soul and makes me happy to go to exercise. This matches my autumn needs for a place to keep the good mood of activity going through the dull months, and so I can reach my health improvement goals for the spring. It also matches me intention to "find my tribe" so I can feel more settled and supported.
Cool, eh? So simple and yet profound. What are you called to change or do to bring more balance into your life in a way that fills your soul?
I have been working with seasonal energies for decades -- it fills the Green Witch part of me and I have grown so intimate with the blessings and challenges of each season. I also believe in the power of community and sharing meaningfully. When we take time away from our busy lives to listen to our hearts and strengthen our intentions, we can focus on what matters and create a season that flows with soul -- rather than just reacting to the daily mundane tasks.
This is why I am offering an Oracle Your Autumn Soul Spa this Tuesday evening. And you are invited to join me! It's a small group gathering (6-10 people) of like-hearts who are ready to delve within, get honest, and tap into their own wisdom for their soul journey this season.
I will be facilitating the group using soul worksheets, an oracle card activity, meditations, teachings about the season and partner sharing. We will spend a warm 2 hours together (it is amazing how many people say they wish it was longer) to really look at your life and uncover what needs to change so you have more peace, joy, wellness and connection.
So...what do you say? Are you ready to take autumn by the leaves? Click here to find out more and pre-register:
(oh and if you bring a friend, you can come for free. Just use the Coupon Code: BOGO when you are buying tix).
May you be blessed by the gorgeous wisdom of this season!
ox, Heather