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Forget Smoking – Do This with Cannabis Instead

Taking Cannabis orally is great for reducing nausea, migraines, and inflammation, but did you know that applying cannabis oil, or CBD oil can be very beneficial when applied topically? CBD does not cause a high, but it does aid in maintaining health and wellness.

Using CBD oil on your skin can help with a range of issues, including:

  • Back and neck pain

  • Joint pain & swelling

  • Chronic pain

  • Inflammatory skin conditions

  • Eczema & psoriasis

  • Acne

  • Nerve pain

  • Rashes

Always make sure the cannabis oil you're using in mixed with a carrier like jojoba or olive oil. Mix a few drops of the carrier oil with a couple of drops of CBD oil. Once mixed, it's best to put your oil in an amber jar or tube so it doesn't spoil. Best of all, get a container with a roller lid, so you can roll oil on any problem areas!

Once you've got your oil ready, apply on sore joints and muscles, eczema patches, acne, etc. Massage into skin. Reapply as needed.

Store in a cool, dry place for up to 6 weeks to ensure the cannabinoids oil don't break down.

*Always consult a doctor before trying or using any form of cannabis of CBD. This article is for entertainment purposes and does not replace medical advice.


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