Five Tips For Living Well Through Difficult Times

How do we meet challenges that are so big they seem to consume our minds, bodies, environments, and spirits?
Over the past month, I have been surrounded by family, friends, and clients facing struggles with health, grief, loss, and high vulnerability in an increasingly hostile socio-political climate.
I have lived through similar struggles and have professionally supported hundreds of people through challenging times. Here are five tips for living well through difficult times. Check them out and try the ones that resonate for you.
1) Acknowledge Your Feelings. During difficult times, there is often so much going on inside your mind and body you can't separate the feelings; they seem like one big tangled mess. Take some time to visualize them one by one. Is that fear? Anger? Loneliness? Resentment? Helplessness? What does it look like? What does it feel like? Where does it live within you? Naming your feelings is the first step to learning how to deal with them.
2) Connect & Protect. Feelings and thoughts become lighter and more manageable when you share them with safe people. Safe people might be those who have demonstrated the kind of support you've needed in the past, those who have gone through similar things, or professionals with expertise in the areas of life you are struggling with. It is important to remember that not all people will match your need for connection, so be sure to protect yourself by reaching out to people with the time and emotional bandwidth and who offer the specific type of care and concern you are looking for. If unsure, ask questions about their availability before revealing your complete vulnerability.
3) Rest, Move & Nourish. Your body houses your thoughts and feelings and needs extra care during duress. Finding motivation when you are stressed is difficult, so start small. Permit yourself to rest a bit more. Move your body in ways you can and maybe even in ways you enjoy! Add some fruits, veggies, and water to your diet. You don't have to go extreme; just pay more attention to your body's needs.
4) Increase Exposure To Hope. It's important to be informed about the issues you are dealing with, but pay attention to the vibe of the content you consume. Are the news programs, research materials, social media platforms, books, and podcasts adding to forward movement or keeping you stuck? Are the people you interact with in real life and online lifting you up or pulling you back? If the content you are consuming and the people in your life contribute to a cycle of negativity and hopelessness, limit your time with them. Increase your exposure to content and people who offer informed and hopeful suggestions for living through difficult times.
5) Notice The Good. When facing difficulties, the brain often looks for evidence of more bad things, but acknowledging the good is the antidote to challenging times. Be on the lookout for good people, acts of kindness, beauty, safe havens, and moments of fun or pleasure. Goodness does exist; be purposeful about seeking it and hold your findings for as long as possible. Doing so is good for your brain, body, and soul.
Don't get discouraged if you try these tips and find them difficult; they take practice, and sometimes individual support is needed. Do your best and take your time; you'll get through this.
If you live in Ontario, are facing a change or life transition, and need extra individual counselling support, I'm here for you. Click the button below to visit my website, learn more about online sessions, and book a free 15-minute consultation. Most employee health benefits cover my services.