Do you want to be a healthier, more vibrant version of yourself?

I am living proof it is possible to thrive while living with autoimmunity. I know that we can all achieve a level of holistic wellness.YOU CAN TOO!

Hi, I’m Nancy Hall, Registered Nutritional Therapist and Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner. In my 20+ years of nutritional research and application I have identified the 6 things we can all do to live a long healthy life:
1EAT the right food
2TAKE CARE of our gut health and microbiome
3BALANCE our hormones
4MANAGE our stress
5MOVE our bodies
6DISCOVER how to work with our genes to shape our health
When I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder in 1998, I was doing none of these things. But I refused to let my illness stop me from living a good life. So I dug in and did my research. I studied, I opened my mind to new ideas about healing, I practiced what I was learning. And I beat the odds.
Now, 20+ years later, I’m alive and enjoying optimal health, and I feel better than ever. But I’m not content to just enjoy my own good health... I want to use my education, cutting edge research, and experiential learning to help others find their way to health too. My passion is to share this knowledge with you, so you too can be living proof of your most vibrant and vital self. How can my holistic approach help you achieve optimal health? I combine the latest research from medicine and metaphysics to get to the root cause of your health issues We develop a comprehensive holistic health plan to restore the vitality and health you deserve. I utilize science, nutrition, blood analysis, genetic testing, intuition, meditation, craniosacral therapy, reiki, spirituality, and energy healing as tools to understand and address your holistic health needs.
Receive a gentle detoxification, lose the brain fog, improve your cognitive function, enhance your mood and sense of wellbeing, normalize your weight, strengthen your body as you build muscle, boost your immunity, improve quality of sleep, lower insulin resistance, normalize your blood pressure, reduce chronic pain and inflammation, improve tissue and organ function, improve your cholesterol & .... ?
In addition to my extensive practice in meditation, intuition, and spirituality (three skills that keep me balanced and tuned in to both myself and my clients), I hold the following credentials:
Registered Holistic Nutritionist with CANNP, specializing in epigenetics, gut and hormonal health for perimenopausal, menopausal and postmenopausal women.
Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner.
Certified Metabolic Balance Coach
Advanced Metaphysician and Meditation teacher with Training in Power Academy.
Certified Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist
Reiki Master practitioner
Certified Bioflex Cold Laser Therapist
Certified Live Blood Analyst