Are You Yearning To Live Life Fully?

Mary Beth Bezzina
Transformational Coach
About 10 years ago, I was at a retreat with a group of women. The facilitator started the day with an ice breaker: “Tell us something that no one in the room would know about you.” The “outing” began. One shared that she plays the obo, another that she has a passion for collecting vintage clothing. Everyone had something really interesting to share about themselves. When it was my turn, I had nothing, quite literally nothing of interest to share. This was a defining moment and it woke me up! I knew that I wanted to have an interesting life at the very least, perhaps even inspiring! You can read the full story here.
It seems a higher power heard my thoughts and not long afterward I had a chance to go to Rwanda with a team of Canadians to participate in a health training project. That opportunity caused my life journey to take a sharp turn. I've never looked back.
I had many more visits to Rwanda, right up to January 2020, two months before the world shut down. My work in Rwanda led me to two sisters that run a non-profit in the capital city of Kigali. I have had the good fortune to be able to help these women to grow the organization which offers programs to support mental health, parenting education, entrepreneurship, and poverty reduction. Having the opportunity to be part of something so beautiful and organic that changes lives for the better brings me such joy. (Just look at my face in the photo at the top!)
During these same years, I had what I thought was a brilliant inspiration to create an app that would help people to organize their lives. I had no experience in technology or business start-ups but did it anyway, with the help of many wonderful people. I launched the Beta version of the app in 2017 but couldn't find a way to monetize it. It's still out there and I use it all the time (most expensive list-maker I've ever acquired)! It's called MyNotables. While some may consider the app a failure, creating it provided so many fascinating experiences and connections with people I never would have met otherwise.
A few years ago, I was sitting on a plane heading to Rwanda when I started journaling about what I wanted to do to cap off my career as an occupational therapist. It was another light bulb moment, but this time, the inspiration was also aligned with who I am and what I have to offer the world. I decided I wanted bring together my life experience with my skills as an occupational therapist and other unique talents and gifts to assist others to awaken to the passion within and to live life fully. And here I am.
How does an occupational therapist become a transformational coach? Honestly it is the perfect culmination of my career. Spirituality is at the centre of the practice model that Canadian occupational therapists follow. We define this as what our clients hold personally sacred and meaningful. Our job is to assist our clients in their goals to successfully perform the occupations (activities) that are meaningful to them. As your coach my role is to help you align what you do and aspire to become with your unique values, talents and gifts.
With gentleness and compassion I will support you in your journey to create the life you dream of. I will cheer you on and hold you accountable to go the distance.
It's time for you to invest in you
My approach is grounded in love, curiosity, spirituality (what we hold personally sacred and meaningful), and the belief in each individual’s unique value and ever-evolving purpose. I am a careful listener and your biggest cheerleader. I see your light, even if you can't! My confidence in you will help you believe in yourself. My mission is to provide clear heart-centered guidance as you: 1. Release the stories that hide and limit your Truth 2. Reveal your inner passions and talents 3. Take the steps to align your life (education/career/leisure/social impact) with #2 4. Create a life of meaning, purpose and joy