Change of Direction

As the months of the year go by, we need to seriously decide on the direction that we choose to live. The month of May has always been a chance to change it up and see the way of the future, no matter what that looks like. It is time to understand and know that we cannot keep on living the life we live if it is not free and in sunshine. Removing our winter coats allows us to feel the freedom of not being weighed down by layers.
Taking off those boots allows us to move our feet in the right direction without any salt, slush or snow in the way. It is a time to rejoice in the space we have created by peeling off the layers that have held us down while keeping us warm. It is not a coincidence that we strive to feel the comforts of what we are used to and that is the major reason we are not moving forward at times. The difference between comfort and complacent is a small and sometimes, impossible-to-see impact. Being free of the debris and clutter that we have built up over our lifetime is a journey of its own. It is hard to free yourself of years of behaviors that now do not suit us at all.
The chance for survival in the days we live are very good. The change we need to make to improve our thoughts and our dreams is not as probable unless and until we see the need to have a Change of Direction moment. This takes courage and the ability to objectively see where you are and more importantly, where you are not. Just because we think something is the way it is does not make it fact. Just because we have done the same things for years, had the same dinner on Tuesday and pizza on Friday, does not mean that we cannot change the reality and have a salad. The only thing that truly stops us from freeing us from the chains of doing the same stuff over and over is our minds, and the ability for us to realize that it is not going to be different if we do not change.
The true test of your inner courage is the ability to tell yourself the truth about you. Once you do that, once you accept who you are and what needs to happen, then and only then will you change. Everyone has prejudices and opinions that governor our thoughts and form our actions. It is not easy to admit that we have the issues, and prejudice is not only race related or gender specific. People’s choices and different ways of living is a struggle for some people that believe in traditional marriage, thoughts and love. It is a limited view. The results of this will keep you in the dark like a mushroom and will only produce more mushrooms with no demand for them. This is not the way of the future and certainly not the way to success in 2023.
We all need to clean out the closet of our minds and embrace the life that is in front of us with open hearts and a free from judgement approach. When you get rid of things that have been taking up space in a closet and you have not seen or used them for years, you have a sense of freedom and a lightness about ridding yourself of weight that is of no use. You see hope with space that can be used for positive things, keeping our areas clear of the clutter that adds no value and distracts from the beauty around us. It is the same with our minds, we need to clean it up and clear it out. Allow great thoughts to overtake the day to day of our presence and be better today than we were yesterday. Small steps and strides can lead to a great awakening within and will make us all better, more agile and in the long run, happier people.
Happiness is a mindset that will change all the time. It is fluid and powerful and quite intoxicating. It makes you smile, laugh and cry. It can make your day a place of tranquility or it can make your day a fast paced and ever- changing story that is based on the life you live, the love you choose and the ways you see fit to do what is best for you. The time of your life is the play you write and star in all the time. It can be a sold -out show or it can be a theatre with empty seats depending on how you live it and how you see it.
You write the script, you play the part and sometimes you do not even practice it, it just happens. Auditions are for those who you choose to be a part of this play. You are also the director of the production. So, now is the time to star in the biggest role of your life. Choose the way you want to go. See the path and understand what it takes to walk on it and survive. Make the changes you need to be able to get to the other side. Seek out help. Let people see your vulnerability. Know that you are not alone in a sea of blue waters and bluer skies. Accept help, ask for advice, give advice and learn from people you never thought to interact with previously. Change of direction, change of mind, chance to make the difference that will take you and us through a life of possibilities and unknown goals. Realize your worth, change the conversation and accept that you are a work in progress that is high in value.
Never undervalue yourself. Always protect the currency that is your personality and your character. Hold yourself in high regard and change the direction of lacking confidence in you and in what you do. The sun shines brightly for those who choose to see it and it can be seen by everyone who has a clear vision and open heart. Change of direction, do not seek perfection. Just accept that life is a gift and we all have the right to unwrap it and enjoy playing with it, using it, and having it with us.

Diane E. Makarowski, Life Enhancer
Let me help you to navigate the areas you struggle with and share some life experiences and knowledge to make the sun come out again. Let me be there for you and we will learn together on your journey to a healthier and happier life.