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My Entrepreneurial Story - Melissa Downard

I’d like to share how I began my spiritual journey 14 years ago. What started as a means of relaxation, stress reduction and pain management, became the foundation and laid the groundwork for healing among a circle of like-minded people.

I began meditation classes with Angela De Hass, my first spiritual teacher.Due to the challenges working as a nurse in the emergency department, I started to experience chronic back pain. This combined with the breakdown of my marriage resulted in me seeking alternative methods of healing and I began learning and practicing meditation.

I began to let go and release past hurt, pain and old patterns of belief through deep breathing exercises, color and crystal healing, inner child healing and journey work. This began a true time of spiritual healing, and I expanded my learning to Reiki Energy Healing, Chakra Balancing, and Aura Clearing.As I began to understand where my fear and anger came from, and how these emotions and generational patterns affected my life, health and relationships; I went through a period of transformation or as I like to call it - a light path transition.Practicing these techniques and opening myself up to meeting new people, led me to like-minded individuals, new mentors, allowed me to open up my heart and mind to mediumship and channeling. I regained my personal power and living in the present moment, I began to access my higher self, source energy, spirit guides and angels.

I have been blessed to help guide others and pass along healing messages to allow them to begin their journey of healing at a soul level.It is when we learn to reach out and ask for help that the universe listens and brings us the people we need when we need them. I am so grateful for the gift of friendship and mentorship that has come with reaching out for help and I look forward to working with you and sharing our ideas and light with the world.This has all led to my belief and purpose to help others begin their journey of inner healing and accessing their hearts and emotions on a deeper level. By learning that we are all part of this wonderful creation of life, we are guided on a journey of finding our true selves within. Let yourself be filled with peace and an open heart to lead you on your true path and spiritual awakening. You are not on this path alone. Your journey begins now. Let me help you. As an entrepreneur and as a woman, I’m excited to share my passions to help elevate all of humanity.

My goal is to help everyone to heal and thrive in these challenging and changing times. There are tremendous changes happening and we all need healing and guidance. Our spirit guides, angels and true beings of light offer so much wisdom, knowledge, guidance, love and hope. Through channeling, I can help raise your vibrations and frequencies so that we can bring true positive change to your life, love and family. Join me for my upcoming classes to open up your intuition and harness the power within! Melissa is a true healer, physically, energetically and spiritually. For many years, Melissa sensed her angels and guides around her. Intuitively, she has received messages through channeling, and regularly shares, records, and publishes the messages and guidance that she receives.

This work has helped many receive comfort and light while on their Light Path Transition. No one is alone and it is Melissa’s passion to ensure that all who are in pain, know that there is always someone looking over them, whether here or beyond, and are helping them heal at a soul level. Melissa is a Spiritual Channeller Intuitive Healer, Teacher, Psychic Medium/Channeler and Essenian Healer. Melissa has trained as a Reiki Master, Registered Practical Nurse, and a Medical Office Assistant.

Melissa T. Downard

She is a contributing writer for A Beautiful Life magazine and speaks on many topics to sharing the knowledge that we are all one and we are all connected within our heart-opening awareness Contact Melissa 

Facebook: True Beings Of Light Intuitive Healing

 Twitter: kisslissad 
Linkedin:Melissa Downard and also True Beings of Light Intuitive Healing
Mobile: 905 866 7424
Please message me to connect for guidance and healing in these new challenging times. Join me for a soul purpose reading where your guides can help you thrive in these times. Find out what they want you to know!

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