Podcast Interview Only
Welcome to my sacred space here where I provide guidance , hope and support in a therapeutic way. I offer coaching ,classes ,workshops and treatments in one on one or in a group session.
If you are looking for suppert in your business or your personal or spiritual life ,I will show you tools to help you navigate these challenges in these new and changing times.
It can take a team to grow your business or persoanl life to build structure and support. Its sometimes takes courage to reach out and ask for support and im here to help guide you in whatever way and you need at this time.
I offer you direction support and strategies through thought provoking networking meetings.
Drop in sessions where you will gain valuable knowledge and tools for personal and professional growth .
You will gain new tools of the trade including on line support and up to date tools that will help you stand out and move forward in a new and positve way. You can grow in ways to bring together mind ,body and spirit and propel yourself forward to begin living your best self , your beautiful life within your buisness and your personal endevers.
I am a Spiritual, Intuitive Coach and Mentor , Psychic Medium , Reiki Master , Hypnotherapist and Registederd Practical Nurse and Im ready to help you begin your journey today !
Contact Melissa T Downard
905 866 7424