Spirit Communication

Have you ever felt a gentle breeze touch across your cheek or shoulders? Maybe you have caught a sparkle of light from the corner or your eyes... or have you felt chills throughout your body?
Have you felt a passage of love throughout your whole being while thinking of your loved ones who have passed over?
This is the true beauty of what we can sense and feel in our physical bodies from the spirit world and beyond. It's messages from our loved ones, spirit guides and angels. Sending messages of love and letting us know that they are all around us and with us in our daily lives.
Are you seeing butterflies and cardinals around you?
Our spirit guides and loved ones leave us signs in finding dimes or feathers on our path throughout the day letting us know we are on the right path. They are guiding us to take the next steps in our lives when we may feel uncertain of our choices and decisions.
Through validation of the presence of true beings of light within our everyday life, we can gain clarity and strength to take that next step on that road to tomorrow. Offering us hope and courage which allows for healing at a soul level, forgiveness for ourselves and to others.
Our guides reach out and give insight on emotions that may be holding us back or blocking us from our true purpose. We then have the chance to move forward with a new open heart for tomorrow.
I Offer you the opportunity to connect with your loved onew ,spirit guides and angels. I provide you guidance and messages from the other side through Psychic mediumship, channeling and akashic record readings.
I am also excited to share that I will be teaching mediumship classes starting near the end of February. Please check out my website for more dates and times.
Always in the light
Photo: Denis Degioanni