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Oh, Canada

As an immigration specialist and promoter of Canada, I have always had people flock to me wherever I travel. Everyone is usually always very interested in learning about Canada, how they can be a part of this great big movement of people immigrating, and how they can make a life for themselves and their families here in this big beautiful True North. I love it!! I love to talk about everything about Canada – from opportunities, to travel, to the beautiful seasons. I love to go into detail on stories of courageous immigrants who have braved seas, wars, and unimaginable hardships to get to Canada. I love to leave people mesmerized and with hope in their hearts that someday, they too will be able to make Canada their home.

Zoom into 2023……..I set out with the same enthusiasm and stepped into Asia and the Middle East hoping to through my stories and information entice more people to make Canada their home. I was going to be on a cruise and usually, many workers on the cruise would be highly interested in learning about living and working in Canada. To my surprise and dismay, I was not greeted with the same interest. I found there were no people actually flocking to my side to listen to the information I was giving out. In fact, I had to approach small groups of people, give out my business card, and inquire if they would be interested in working in Canada. Some were interested in the information and others were just listening to oblige me. 

After a week or two of this, I had to stop and think hard. What is happening? Is Canada losing its popularity? Is Canada not the HOT SPOT anymore?

We all know and understand that immigration is essential to the survival of Canada, and I am talking about survival, not even growth. With over 60% of our population retiring in the next few years, Gen Z’s opting not to work at traditional jobs, and COVID creating a whole new world of opportunities to work from home or make money by different means, there is hardly anyone to work in industries such as trades and construction, hospitality or health care. Without immigration, it will be nearly impossible for companies to operate. Hence if Canada becomes less popular for the right kind of immigrants we need, where will we as a nation turn to? I mean I guess there is always technology, robots, and AI to turn to – but is that what we want? To be served by a robot? To be operated on by a machine? I am not sure if I want my diaper changed by a robotic caregiver when I am 80.

So why is this sudden turn of events taking place? Canada Immigration boasts that they are still achieving the numbers they set out to achieve for immigration – but the question is – are we getting the right people into Canada or are we just accepting people to fulfill numbers? I think we should not take it for granted that Canada will always be a hot spot for immigrants. Other countries are working very hard to make their countries stand out. Dubai is seeking to be the happiest country for people to live in, Saudi Arabia offers unimaginable luxuries and an out-of-this-world lifestyle for those seeking to live, work, and invest there. India’s economy is surpassing many other countries and many are actually opting to go back. So we are seeing not just a lack of interest in immigration but in fact we are seeing reverse immigration happening today.

But here’s my take on it. I love to travel and do so for at least 6 months of the year. but wherever I go, coming to Canada is like an oasis of security and comfort. My Canadian passport is such an asset that I would not give it up for anything. I am so very well respected for being a Canadian wherever I travel to and whatever nationality of people I associate with. I know for a fact that If I am looking to work in any part of the world, I clearly will have an advantage by being a Canadian. I love that Canada offers equal opportunity for everyone to succeed no matter their age, color, religion, or race. I came to Canada with nothing 22 years ago and have made an amazing life for myself and my family and I know anyone could be whoever they want to be and be successful.

I Thank God that I can look up into the clear blue sunny sky and breathe in the cool crisp air and know that I have a home here in Canada. I will never stop shouting from the top of every mountain to every person in every corner of the world to come to experience this beautiful life up here in this True Great North!

Sharmila Perera is a Certified Immigration Specialist. Her professional mission is to provide as many people as possible the chance to immigrate to Canada. She works with companies struggling with labor shortages to locate great talent from across the globe and successfully immigrate them to Canada. Her personal mission is to live life to the fullest in every possible way.


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