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New Earth Numerology Report for May

Hooray Everyone!

One of our main bloggers at Sonic Reiki is Thomas Burakowski, also known as my husband. This is his New Earth Numerology blog for May, 2023.

I just got home from an early morning walk around Elmwood Village in the heart of beautiful Buffalo, N.Y. Spring has gloriously arrived. The tulips, the multi-colored daffodills, the brilliant forsythia, and the flowering trees are all filling the air with vibrant color and aroma. I even saw a tree that looked like Wisteria. (note to self, get that phone app that identifies the trees). Full disclosure: the image on this blog is from Holland.

May is the fifth month (5), holding the energy of freedom and playfulness. There is a great deal of cosmic energy aligned to assist and encourage us to act freely and nurture our playfulness. Pay particular attention to the dates 5/5, 5/14, 5/23, the fucus will be stronger and more noticeable on those days.

May 1 (1) begins with Mercury and Pluto going retrograde and slowing us down so that we will reflect, contemplate and review our recent efforts and circumstance for the trajectory of our lives. There will be times that we feel sluggish and low energy. Go with that. Let yourself kick back and make a personal appraisal of what you have been able to accomplish. Be honest and fair with yourself, not overly complimentary or hyper-critical. Be kind, it sets up a blueprint for non-judgment of others.

May 5 (5/5) a powerful day numerologically, and it is a penumbral lunar eclipse, a Scorpio full moon eclipse. The Moon will be slightly dimmer yet it magnify the full Moon energies. Eclipses bring change and transformation, allowing us to release old "stuff" while nurturing the new plan we have for ourselves. This can be a big deal, yet it will be less intense than the last eclipse. Again, plannets are in retrograde, and that energy for slowing down is very conducive to reflection on our overall sense of self-awareness. The most significant benefit in all of this is a sense of freedom to be yourself. This eclipse energy will be strongly noticed up to the New Moon later in the month.

May 14 (5), Mercury begins to come out of retrograde; we will notice the insights we have acquired during our slowdown. Many of which result in our increased self-worth.

May 19 brings the easing of the eclipse energy, releasing playful relaxed approach to the time.

May 29th - May 31st. It is the end of this month, and it holds a magical portal. It is called the Silver Gate Portal. It is activated when the Sun aligns with one of the four Royal stars, Aldebaran. These Royals are known for huge downloads of information, and in this case, it can supercharge the third eye, revealing wisdom whose time had come. Many believe this star is like a resting place before a soul reincarnates on the Earth.

This seems like a perfect time to share something that jumped out as I was doing some spring cleaning. Here it is: (something to read on 5/5, 5/14, and 5/23).


Dear Tom, Thank you for going through all that you have endured and learned from the old version of me. The big thing that I wish to do tonight is to release the old version (never creating amnesia) making the freedom to grow into an expression of the newest, highest-frequency version of Tom.

I intend to align to the new version of my physical inner children. The child is attended to, listened to, nurtured, valued, and celebrated.

I intend to nurture the new version of me, free of the old baggage and burdens. Free of the energy blocks keeping the old version old and struggling. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to the old version for enduring while the new version embraced a higher frequency of self-empowerment, self-worth, and Divine Freedom.

Thank you to all of you who are a part of my Divine Journey to Divine Freedom to be Tom. Feel free to change the name to your own if this intent feels true for you. Linda has graciously included a Sonic Reiki link to support the third eye chakra. Thank you!

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