Melissa's Full Flower Moon Meditation Friday May 5th 8PM
Join me for this months Full Flower Moon celebration meditation on Friday May 5th
8 PM . May is the month when flowers bloom in abundance across North America. How can the flower moon affect us. It helps address deep-lying emotions to takin stock in relationships, and it can help in maintaining a balance and unburdening your mind. It’s all about celebrating you and where you are on your journey. The phases of the moon symbolize immortality and eternity, and enlightenment . This reflects inner knowledge, or phases of man’s condition on earth ,since it controls the tides, the rains, the waters and the seasons. The full moon is the phase when the sun illuminates the entire moon, making her as full, round , and as bright as can be. This phase represents completion, fertility, abundance, and transformation, when the seeds from the new moon come into bloom. Donations accepted $4.44 - 11.11- 16.66- 22.22 etransfer
