Learning to Channel with Melissa 6 Week series Feb 23 2023 7PM
Do you want to learn how to channel messages from the higher realms?
| Do you want to learn how to channel messages from the higher realms?
Do you know we all have an innate ability to open up to receive guidance , messages, intel, and inspiration from our higher self, our consciousness, divine beings of light. From ideas to blueprints, music and creativity.
Channeling messages can help you begin to resolve conflict in you life, finding better solutions.
You will learn to really listen and tune in , whether inward or to the people in your life.
You will start to let go of things that no longer serve you .
You will feel your self become more kind, mindful and feel more compassion for others.
You will begin to quiet your mind and feel deep relaxation.
Channeling spirit guide messages is to embrace healing and guidance from the higher realms by the power of spirit, through the use of voice or the written words.
Join in starting Thursday February 23rd at 7PM to 9PM for this 6 week course where I will help you go within and access your deep wisdom and innate connection to your higher consciousness and True Beings of Light.
This course is for beginners or even if you already channel and would like to expand your reach. You will receive and share messages of love and hope to inspire and help you on your soul purpose.
We begin with breath-work and grounding and centering, and chakra balancing to open up our energy centres to receive messages.
Book your spot today and receive this great rate of $155.00 for this amazing 6 week course. We will meet weekly on zoom and for those living close you may join in person If you wish.
Please contact Melissa directly, email melissad@truebeingsoflight.com or call or text to 905 866 7424 to inquire about this course. Once I receive payment and I receive your email address ,I will send out your zoom links .
The classes are recorded and uploaded to our private Facebook group where you will be able go back and listen to the groups messages. Everyone is also encouraged to transcribe your channeled messages and share the typed up version on the Facebook group.
You will be amazed how quickly you will open up and receive beautiful healing messages.
Im so looking forward to our time together.
Blessings and always in the light
