Holiday Metatron Welcome Message 2024

Seeking Clarity in 2024? Asking for Direction and Guidance? Metatron holds some insight for you!
In collaboration with the Energy known as Metatron, let Allyson, Founder of The Oracle’s Magi, provide a comprehensive overview that will energize you.
As a Holiday Special, The Oracle’s Magi is offering this 60-minute insightful session for an incredible $88.88 Cdn (approx $65 US)!
This popular Solar Year Overview provides you with the themes through which you will be navigating in 2024 & practical monthly guidance as the Energy known as Metatron views your Life Path at this present moment.
Use this Special Link to Schedule your Session Now while this Holiday Promotion, which includes a 20% off promo code for future services, continues.
This makes the perfect gift for anyone on your holiday list!